Regional APAC Update

As the world slowly moves towards normality, we are here to support clients and their relocating employees with moves and assignments. With Asia being an increasing market for European companies and recovery underway, we are able to assist you every step of the way.

China: China has started allowing PU application letters for dependents of employees already working in China. We see this as the first step to a wider approval for dependents to relocate in the near future.

India: Borders are open for non-tourists, however air travel remains restricted to flights approved under bi-lateral agreements. Passengers will need to confirm eligibility to enter India.  Those having been in the UK in the last 14 days may have access to limited flights arriving to certain airports.

Japan: All foreign nationals continue to be banned from entry until further notice. Exceptions exist for residence card-holding foreign nationals with return permissions and special exceptional circumstances,  such as US military contractor personnel under SOFA status or those with roles deemed on a case-by-case basis to be in the national interest. Arrivals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal continue to be denied entry regardless of residence status, with the exception of those with special circumstances or those who left the country before May 20th.  

Singapore: Singapore has fully vaccinated more than 80% of its population, allowing the country to ease restrictions in mid-August. A travel lane with Germany and Brunei has also started, allowing fully vaccinated visitors to travel between the countries, without quarantine. Since September 1st, however, the number of cases has increased to100-300 per day, causing concern for the government and led to them announcing workplace restrictions, pervasive testing, contact tracing, and booster shots for seniors.

Thailand: The average number of new cases has dropped from 20,000+ to 14,000+ per day, but the number of deaths remain at over 200 per day. The government started to ease certain lockdown restrictions per September 1st, with malls reopening and restaurant dine-ins allowed with limited occupancy and operating hours, as the 9pm-4am curfew remains. Despite efforts to stimulate the economy, Thailand is expected to only post modest growth this year.

Vietnam: Vietnam’s GDP was expected to expand by about 7.7% in 2021, but the latest outbreak will likely dampen economic activity. Roughly 1/3 of the country is under severe blockade and isolation, the South (including HCMC) is mostly inaccessible. As of September 8th, 2021, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health confirmed a total of 550,996 Covid-19 cases with 13,701 deaths. At the moment, the government is preparing to safely shift from a “zero Covid-19” strategy to a policy of living with the virus.

Indonesia: Indonesia is showing signs of mild recovery. In Q2 2021 the economy grew 7.07% compared to the same period last year and the daily Covid-19 positivity rate dropped below 5% for the first time in September 2021. Foreign nationals, except KITAS and KITAP holders, are prohibited from entering or transiting through due to concerns over a new Covid-19 variant.
Additional exemptions are in place for diplomats. As of May 3rd, all non-citizens who visited India within 14 days of arrival are banned from entry.

Malaysia: Restrictions have been gradually lifted in states where the share of fully vaccinated people has passed 50%. An immunization program for teens between 12 to 17 years old was rolled out in week 36.
The government is expecting a transition from a pandemic to endemic phase by end-October if 80% of the population is inoculated by then.

 Thank you! 

Your Movenet Team

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